Have you been receiving ownership requests for your Google My Business listing by people you don’t know? Here’s what you should know about this and how to handle those requests.
If you are working with the team here at Functional Medicine SEO, we will never have someone on our team request ownership of your listing. Never accept a request from someone you don’t know.
Reject The Requests
The simplest thing you can do is reject any requests and delete the emails. No one can claim your listing once you have claimed it, and as long as you don’t grant them access, they cannot take over control of your listing. However, if there is a way for you to reject the user from your email, take action that way.
Tell Your Staff To Ignore Requests
Any email associated with your Google My Business listing may get one of these requests. Ensure your staff knows to ignore requests like this and let you know if they are getting them. We will never request ownership through email if you are working with our company. Instead, we will ask you to make us a user on the account.
Fill Out A Google Complaint Form
While you won’t have much luck reaching out to Google support on this issue, you can fill out this complaint form and bring the matter to Google’s attention. From there, they may be able to reduce the number of spammers you get requesting access to your Google My Business. This is worth pursuing, so you don’t have to worry about continuing to get these types of requests and rejecting them.
Let Our Team Know
If you are one of our clients, let us know that you are receiving these requests, and we will keep an eye on the users of your GMB listing over the following week to make sure no additional users have been added. We’ve never seen this happen, but if we did, we would let you know so you can go in and delete them right away.
Contact Us For GMB Assitance
Not only do we help our clients with SEO on their websites, but we also offer Google My Business management and SEO. It’s vital that your listing is always up to date because potential patients rely on your listing to be accurate. That’s one of the reasons that Google has made such an emphasis on listings. They know that users find value in the listings, so Google rewards accounts that interact by posting images, updates, and respond to reviews.
Contact us today if you need help with your GMB listing or want to know more about our SEO. We look forward to hearing from you!