Internal Marketing Tips to Existing Patients For Your Alternative Medicine Practice

internal marketing to existing patients
October 7, 2020
Practice Advice

As an alternative medicine practice, finding new patients should be a number one priority. But, what about your existing patients? Do you have patients that have fallen through the cracks and not followed through with the treatment plans you’ve presented or come back in for check-ups. If you don’t have a good internal marketing strategy in place, then you won’t have patients for life. 

Here are a few tips to help you stay engaged with your existing patients:

1. Setup an Effective System For Re-Care

You want your patients to stay healthy for life, which means that getting them back in for re-care or check-ups is important. As their health care provider, it is your job to help them on their journey and provide accountability to them. 

It’s important to set up an effective system to keep track of patients that need to be contacted for re-care. Many times, patient management systems have the ability to pull reports and get information on broken appointments, those that need a follow-up, and patients that have outstanding treatment. If you don’t know how to pull those reports, give someone in your office the task of being trained on the system and to learn how to get the information. 

2. Look For Holes In Your Process

Systems and processes have to be re-evaluated every few months to make sure that they are still effective. Many things can effect your processes such as staff changes, increase or decrease in appointments, and services offered. Also, long-term employees can use a reminder of the processes over time. It’s easy to get slack on how things should be done. 

3. Dedicate Time and Assign Roles to Fill Your Schedule

When it’s everyone’s job, it’s no one’s job. If you don’t give out the task of filing the schedule and provide time for that employee to do the calls, then it won’t get done. It’s very easy for phone calls and communication with existing patients to take a back seat to the everyday tasks. 

The best way to make sure re-calls are happening is for you to book time each week for your employee to make the calls. They should be given the time and space in their schedule to make this a priority. When you block out time for them, you are communicating how important it is to them to make it happen. Also, when you keep them from other distractions, it makes it easier for them to tackle the task. 

4. Create New Offerings or Services

With the advances in functional medicine, there are always new services you can offer your patients. Whether it is a new modality, machine, supplement, or test, create a promotion you can share with your existing patients. This will give you a good reason to reach out to all of your patients and let them know about the new things you are offering. 

5. Send Out Promotions

Depending on the functional medicine options you offer, at least one or two times per year, you should be sending out promotions to your patients. For example, you could offer a percentage off if they start their treatment plan or program you offer in a specific time period. If you have any services that are reimbursable by insurance, make sure your patients know to take advantage of them by the end of the year. 

Contact Us Today For SEO Services

Here at Functional Medicine SEO, we help practitioners increase their organic traffic to their site. We help you get leads on new patients so that you keep a steady stream of new people coming into your office. Get in touch with us today through our contact form or fill out this form for a free strategy session. We’d love to speak to you about your website and what we can do to increase the organic traffic on the site. 

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