Epic Functional Medicine Sees a 350% Increase in Leads Through SEO and Google Ads

December 8, 2020
Case Studies

This case study features Dr. Jason Bradley, owner, founder, and chief medical officer of Epic Functional Medicine. He focuses on helping clients with autoimmune and thyroid disorders with a functional medicine approach. 

Why Epic Came to Us

Dr. Bradley and his wife Rachel came to us after working with another agency that didn’t understand functional medicine. They felt that their lack of understanding held them back from reaching the ideal client. Also, they had run some ad campaigns in the past that was bringing them prospects that weren’t right for their program. They hoped that by working with our team of experts, they would have a better chance of reaching the people that really need their health services. 

The Scope of Their Work

When the Bradley’s signed on with our services, they decided to choose our SEO and Google Ads combo package to give them more horsepower and immediate leads. They felt this would be the best thing for their practice, since they can work with clients outside of their local area.  

Our team is providing them with these services: 

Every month, we spend time working on their site and ads campaigns and make tweaks as necessary. We have been happy to partner along with them and provide them the specialized SEO services they needed. 

Results From Our Efforts

Epic started working with us at the end of August, 2020 when their keyword rankings were in a dip. As you can see from the graph below, their organic keywords have risen significantly over the short period of time that they’ve been working with us. 

Note: Through our search engine optimization and Google Ads program, Epic has seen a 350% increase in weekly leads…even in the midst of the pandemic. 

They are receiving new leads/inquiries every week from both of their organic efforts and paid search campaigns. Because of this, they have diversified their lead sources, which allows for more potential patients. 

Contact us Today to Get Started

We’ve been able to help Dr. Bradley reach his goals for Epic this year. If you would like one of our experts to get in touch with you and set up a free strategy session, please fill out our form here

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