5 SEO Problems That Can Hinder Your Websites Visibility On Google

5 SEO Problems That Can Hinder Your Websites Visibility On Google
February 3, 2023
Search Traffic Advice

Optimizing your website is incredibly important for functional medicine practices. If your website is struggling to rank on Google, it could be because of one of the following reasons! 

1. Organization

Believe it or not, how your website is organized can have a big effect on search engine rankings. The Google algorithm is so advanced, it can develop a sense of how easy it is for visitors to scroll through your website. If it takes too long for visitors to find the information they’re looking for, Google is less likely to promote your website. 

Unfortunately, most healthcare sites lack proper site architecture. A successful website includes a proper flow of buttons and links that make it easy to navigate the website. No matter how good the content is, if the website isn’t organized, it won’t matter.  

2. Missing Landing Pages

It’s also common for healthcare websites to lack the proper landing pages. If your website is missing location pages, service pages, or about us pages, it will negatively affect your search engine ranking. Here are some of the pages every healthcare website should have:

  • A homepage
  • A blog
  • Service pages that describe your services
  • Contact us
  • About us
  • Location pages

A proper SEO audit will determine whether or not you have missing landing pages. 

3. A Lack of Content

Once you determine what your main keywords are, it’s important to make supporting content. Unfortunately, most healthcare websites suffer from thin content. These websites offer no value to patients or the target audience. 

Once your key pages are created, the next focus should be developing supporting content for your site’s main topics. Build blog posts and landing pages that align with the services you offer. 

4. Over-Optimization

Believe it or not, it’s possible to over-optimize your website. While it may be tempting to oversaturate your site with keywords and links, Google will pick it up as spam. This will essentially tank your website on search rankings. 

Too often we notice that healthcare websites often post multiple pages or blogs about the same topics. This means you have multiple pages trying to rank for the same thing, lowering the chances any of them rank. 

5. Site Performance

Today more than ever, people are using mobile devices to use Google. This means your website must be properly optimized for mobile use. Unoptimized websites will be slow to load. Google’s algorithm has a speed test to determine how fast a website loads. Therefore, the slower your site, the lower it will be on rankings. 

Are You Looking For SEO Help?

If your functional medicine practice is looking for SEO help, our team at Functional Medicine SEO is ready! Contact us today to find out how we can help you maximize your website.

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